Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cheese vs. Wine: A battle divine!

Have you ever wondered just why exactly they serve Cheese and Wine at a cheese and wine tasting?  Why not cheese and green tea, or wine and custard pies? For some reason, way back in ancient times, someone decided that these two foods would be paired and served at quasi-sophisticated gatherings for all eternity.

And you’ve got to wonder how Cheese and Wine feel about their relationship after all these years of doing the same gig together, over and over again. Perhaps these two brothers in fermentation have become best friends as they’ve both improved with age.

But I would imagine that two such pungent characters don’t easily share the limelight, especially considering that, of the two, Wine gets the most attention. Cheese is often little more than a trusty sidekick.  I’m sure that sometimes Cheese wonders whether anyone would even notice if it disappeared, especially after one or two glasses of Wine. And Wine probably thinks Cheese is a bit of a downer. A couple of bites of mozzarella to line the stomach and all the fun goes out of Wine’s cavorting journey into the bloodstream.

It’s not really Cheese’s fault that it doesn’t offer quite the same kick as Wine. Wine got the better deal from the start what with having a divine benefactor and all. Bacchus, god of wine (who used to throw the most insane parties) indulged Wine’s more extreme proclivities and developed its special powers. And because of this Wine stands gloriously featured in Romantic poetry as the nectar of the gods.

But who is the god of Cheese?

If there is one, he seems to have faded into obscurity and abandoned Cheese to its associations with all sorts of smelly things like old socks. So quite often, Cheese only has Wine and its other buddy Crackers to give it a leg up in polite society.

But Cheese has its poetry too. After all, isn't the moon an icon of romance and isn’t it also made of ... you guessed it... Cheese! Not Wine, oh-ho no! But who remembers that little fact after their second bottle of exquisite Pino?

Perhaps there was once a time when Cheese shone with a little more than reflected light. Maybe there were good, sober Cheese parties where Cheese held court with its own fawning entourage of understudies, like Crackers and Pickled Cucumber, while sweet little lambs chased butterflies in the meadows. Cheese’s paradise was perfect until some wino on his way home from last night’s Bacchanalia stumbled onto the scene. Feeling overwhelmed by the previous evening’s activities, the guy snatched at a chance to redeem himself through Cheese’s pious company.

And so the disciples of Bacchus discovered Cheese and the ancient world was changed forever. No more Bacchanalias and no more cheesy meadows. From then on it was all suits and cocktail dresses making small talk and pretending not to wobble on their high heels as Cheese and Wine battled inside them for the upper hand. And through it all Wine gained sophistication and Cheese lost its smugness.

To remember their origins, DiLiGO is bringing the divine back to cheese and wine tasting with their new game Di Vino. But this time Cheese gets to be Wild! It is a revolution which has sparked a winning streak for DiLiGO Cheese fans around the world! The cheese board replaces any other symbol and if you get five in a row your score soars with 200 points! This is Cheese’s moment to shine and if you come and play Di Vino now, so will you!

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