Monday, August 1, 2011

Happiness Happens @ DiLiGO Games HQ

August is Happiness Happens month and what better way to celebrate than to get thinking and talking about it! We've got an awesome bunch of young, interesting and happy people working at DiLiGO HQ. We're easily excited by life and are passionate about our work and what we do, but we also know when to take a break, relax and have fun!

In keeping with the spirit of "Happiness Happens" month I took some time to go around the office and chat to everyone about what they would sum up as their best "Happiness Happens" moment experienced when working at DiLiGO HQ.

This is what they had to say...

"Requesting leave to pick up my twin brother from the airport after not having seen him for almost a year, and then not having to use it because I got the dates wrong and to my surprise, he was waiting for me at home after work one day! "

" Seeing my DiLiGO Interview and Avatar on the DiLiGO Blog!"

"Whenever I build a new feature, component, Slot machine or fix a bug. I love seeing the positive reactions from the gamers in the groups. I feel a sense of pride.
I really wanna say ”my pleasure!” but Lousia and Missy won’t let me because I don’t have “Communications Officer” clearance. They just whip me back into my pigeon hole. One day I’m going to sneak past them and say Hi to our awesome users.  "

"Announcing that we're having staff eat-out lunch on a Friday and then watching the panic that ensues as staff scramble to get out the office. The scramble back to the office is a much slower process. "

"My happiness happens moment happens when I plan to go to the cafeteria for lunch and Dan tells me we’re all going out for pizza! "

 "Our offices are next to a small wild life sanctuary and I enjoy looking out and spotting the occasional critter. Earlier this week I was in a bit of a trance playing Pilgrims feast and staring out of my window, when out of the blue a large eagle swooped down and caught a field mouse not more than a 100meters away, and as it rose back up into the air it hovered for a moment right in front of me. I was transfixed and then as it flew away, I hit the spin button and hit 4 golden feathers! What were the chances, it was not the biggest win I’ve had but definitely one of the more magical. I really want to do an eagle themed game now. "

"Watching Salvidor beat Pigeon at Snakes and Ladders! "

"My Happiness happens moment is when it’s someone’s Birthday and we get CAKE!  "

"My moment would be hitting 1st place on the leaderboards for Driving Ms Tinkerbell for the 1st time!"

"When I was voted official 'DiLiGO Cheerleader' at our annual office staff party last year! "

"My“happiness happens” moment was a conversation that I had with Louisa about new members who were added to her Communications Team. It went like this:

Louisa:  'They are clearing the corner here so we can move my people up.'
Lisa:     'Ooo! I love it – “my people”!'
Louisa:  'Well – they’re not a person – there are four of them – and they’re all mine! To do my bidding!' "

"Seeing my game illustrations and animations live on the internet and I can call it my own!!"

"At a previous end-of-year staff function, we visited a casino and were given 100 bucks to play with. Everyone else managed to lose all of their money but I finished the day with 1000 bucks. "

"This conversation I had with Teddy once gave me my best Happines Happens moment. It went like this...

Mary: 'Is your new car reliable Teddy?' (because the previous one wasn't!)
Teddy: 'It's more than reliable, it has features!!' "

"I can't break it down to one moment, but I can say that a month of no problems from our servers, or staff computers crashing, is a happy series of moments for me!"

"Working on a new theme, trying a new illustrative style and animation techniques and the end result is awesome! "

"Pigeon telling me excitedly about the swarm of fish he saw in the river.....SWARM! "

"Beating Pigeon at Snakes and Ladders!"

"Ok I got it, it has to be when me and Paddy-Man-Pat found Pigeon’s look alike down in the cafeteria. "

"My own Sunbeam time-keeper: I sit at a window that overlooks nothing much at all, but every day – like clockwork – at the stroke of noon, a sunbeam is thrown right across my desk and temporarily interrupts whatever work I’m busy with to cheer me up. "

"My reasons.... I can break my chair and I know Lady lala will come and fix it
We’ve got a bird working for us that makes funny chirps!
When I come in once a week and find its Friday!
When I get the best cuppa coffee in the morning "

Do you have a DiLiGO Slots "Happiness Happens" moment that you've experienced? Share it with us below and maybe we'll make it an even happier moment by giving you some free Tokens! :)

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