Monday, September 27, 2010

Who's who at the DiLiGO Zoo

People have different styles of playing online games. So the DiLiGO Gaming Psychology Team has identified seven personality types of online Slot Machine gamers based on simple animal characteristics. See if you can spot yourself, and use our advice for an enhanced gaming experience.

Zebra – You see everything in black and white and like things to be predictable. You can easily spot danger, which makes you run in a whirlwind of confusion.  Ironically, this is when your intuition kicks in, and after the panic you may find yourself in a much better environment.

  • Zebra Gamers – Zebras find a good playing formula and stick to it. But if they start losing they will panic and may save themselves through sheer wild luck.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Play games with unusual features like Progressive Jackpots or Bonus Games that will shake you out of your comfort zone.

Elephant – You are usually slow and methodical and you tend to hold grudges for a long time. You make careful decisions based on past experience. This means that you learn fast. Despite your plodding nature you are adaptable, humorous and playful.

  • Elephant Gamers – Elephants are strategic and plan ahead. When they lose they kick in their heels and go at the problem until they have understood how to get around it. They enjoy playing games that used to give them problems just because they feel proud of beating it.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Don’t get too serious about any one game. Spice it up a bit and go for funny game themes that bring out your playfulness. Increase your bet per line for some added excitement!

Monkey – Your curiosity really gets you into trouble. You don’t like to stick to one thing and quickly move on when you’re bored. However, your wacky and competitive nature makes you excellent at taking other people’s ideas and turning them into something new and creative.

  • Monkey Gamers – Monkeys don’t really build momentum. They will ‘sample’ games rather than play them. But if they can stay focused, their creativity brings them a lot of luck.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Compete with a friend, especially an Elephant or a Zebra who will keep you focused.

Python – Your sleepy appearance hides your cunning. You can wait patiently for a long time, but when the moment comes you seize it with confidence. Once you grab onto something you squeeze it for all it’s worth. You know when to relax and bask in the sun, and when it is time to apply yourself, so you don’t waste a lot of energy worrying about unnecessary things.

  • Python Gamers – Python gamers don’t seek the limelight and easily fall under the radar. They may at first seem bored, but they can suddenly turn into ruthless high-rollers quite late in the game. They will often surprise other players by walking away with all the evening’s winnings.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Be nice. Make an effort to be social. Why don’t you add some buddies to your DiLiGO Profile and get some friendly competition going?

Lion – You are proud and not shy tell people about your accomplishments. You know how to get what you want, and you can be very warm and generous when you are happy. But you complain bitterly if things don’t go your way and you will roar furiously over the smallest thorn in your foot.

  • Lion Gamers – When Lions are winning everything goes well and not just for themselves. They will easily spend a fortune on friends and entertain them in the lap luxury. However, Lions make very sad, sore losers.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Slow down! Take a deep breath and remember to have fun! Remember, although winning is the ultimate goal, it's also about enjoying the game!

Panda – You prefer to explore the world on your own and can be quite shy. You tend to be absorbed more in following your own interests than in other people. But you also have a caring, playful nature when you relax.

  • Panda Gamers – Pandas are quite fascinated by games but are less concerned about winning or losing. They can easily spend hours on a single game and hardly notice that they are on a losing streak. Only when they run out of credits will they think about moving on. 
  • DiLiGO Advice – Play with a friend who will tap you on the shoulder and keep you focussed.

Giraffe – Some people say you have your head in the clouds. This really means that you have a very far-reaching view, and you tend to see the bigger picture better than most people. But you often miss the little details close to the ground.

  • Giraffe Gamers – Giraffes can easily spot patterns and this makes them good strategists. However, they are less absorbed by the details of each play than with the overall achievement. They sometimes give up on a game if it does not fit with their bigger plans.
  • DiLiGO Advice – Remember that you must build your empire one brick at a time. Every little point counts!

To welcome the seven animals, and make you all feel at home, DiLiGO Games has taken them all and put them in our very own DiLiGO Zoo. So come and play with the other creatures and use the giraffe’s excellent vision as a wild card to win additional points!

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